Regional Directorate “Security-Burgas”, 101 Aleksandrovska, Burgas, Bulgaria
Chairman of the Governing Council – Nedka Petrova,
phone number: +350882052032
On the 1st of May 2015, "Union security" was established with the main purpose of protecting the socio-economic interests, improving the working conditions and the professional qualification of the employees of the General Directorate "Security" - Ministry of Justice.
The status and social benefits of the employees of the General Directorate "Security" - the Ministry of Justice is regulated by the Law on the Ministry of Interior and this law has been systematically changed. We don’t have information about this changes in the future, although as a direct interested party we should be aware of the amendments and additions, as well as to participate in the social dialogue, in accordance with the Law on the Legislation and the European Directives.
This requires the creation of a Law on the "Judicial Police", which guarantees our legal status and equal power with those of the Ministry of Interior.
In our trade union activity, we have always strived for a frank dialogue with the leaders of the General Directorate "Security" and the Ministry of Justice, and we have looking for the most reasonable solution for private or common problems in the system of the Ministry of Justice. Also, we are always ready to support other trade unions in the Security sector, in their fair claims, as we are grateful for any reciprocal support we may need.
The social dialogue between the syndicate and the leadership of the Ministry of Justice over these four years varied from very low to high activity. In most cases, results have been achieved when the "Union security" and the "Trade union of employees in prisons in Bulgaria" have been united under the motto "We can do more together!".
The members of the non-profit association "Union security" believe in the historically established principles of democratic societies and strive to respect them in their professional and personal lives. Therefore, even in Article 1 Paragraph 3 of the Statute of "Union security" it is said that "built on the principles of independence, membership volunteering, equality, democratic definition of goals and their realization, organizational and financial autonomy of the association, trade union solidarity, election and mandate of the Managing Authorities".
In the non-profit association "Union security" 30 (thirty) companies have been established and more than half of the staff of the General Directorate "Security" are members. These are the people who set the goals in front of our trade union organization and determine the ways and means to achieve them.
The Governing Council of "Union security" does appreciate every single member and wishes them all the best.